August 23, 2023, Washington, DC: DC Bilingual is excited to share the results of the state-mandated PARCC Assessment taken this spring by DC Bilingual’s 2022-2023 3rd-5th graders.
The PARCC Assessment is a computer-based assessment aligned to the Common Core State Standards. It measures college and career readiness in English Language Arts (ELA) and math. The test measures students’ ability to engage in high-level thinking and to work through complex problems. DC public and public charter school students have taken the PARCC Assessment for the last five years.
DC Science is aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards and administered to students in 5th grade. The Science Standards measure scientific knowledge and critical skills, such as scientific thinking and problem-solving, as well as how students use scientific principles, skills, and behaviors to make sense of phenomena, and address real-world problems. DC Science is given by the district every year, with exceptions for operational issues and the pandemic.
PARCC scores students on a scale of 1 to 5, with 3 indicating approaching expectations for college and career readiness, 4 meeting expectations, and 5 exceeding expectations. DC Science scores students on a scale of 1 to 4, with 2 indicating approaching target expectations, 3 meeting expectations, and 4 exceeding expectations. Overall at DC Bilingual, 76% of students approached expectations and above in ELA, and 54% met and exceeded expectations in ELA. 78% of students approached expectations and above in Math, and 46% met and exceeded expectations in Math. 94% of students approached expectations and above in Science, and 45% met and exceeded expectations.
Historical percentages of students at DC Bilingual meeting or exceeding expectations on PARCC & DC Science assessments.
Math scores

ELA scores

Science Scores

In comparison to data from 2021-2022, the number of 3rd-5th grade students that scored 4+ or higher increased by 8 percentage points in ELA and 6 percentage points in math. Although these student groups were not the same, we’re excited to see institutional growth in these areas.
Growth of cohorts meeting or exceeding expectations (4+) from school year 2021-2022 to 2022-2023 PARCC assessment
Cohort Growth: ELA 4+

Cohort Growth: Math 4+

Between both Cohort A and Cohort B, a total of 27 students grew to meet or exceed expectations (4+) in ELA and 21 students grew to meet or exceed expectations (4+) in math.
Percentage of DC Bilingual students meeting or exceeding expectations for PARCC & DC Science* compared to 3-5th grade students tested across DC schools
DC Bilingual is incredibly proud of our students for their performance on the PARCC assessment. In fact, DC Bilingual students in grades 3rd-5th scored significantly higher on average than 3-5th grade data released for DC Public Schools and charter schools across the city.
This data is particularly significant with last year being our first growth year—validating our hard work and commitment to student success above all else. While these scores are certainly cause for celebration, we believe in continuous improvement and know we must continue to grow year after year! Below are some of the ways we ensure students reach their full academic potential.
- Placing and retaining highly skilled teachers in the classroom who focus on individual student needs and strong learning environments for students.
- Our 50/50 dual immersion program.
- An aligned vision for academic instruction from Pre-K to 5th grade with consistent data driven reflection on lessons and academic scopes to make needed changes so students stay engaged and see themselves in their learning.
- Providing coaching support to all teachers, and a strong instructional leadership team that oversees curriculum design and professional development.
- Offering a strong multi-tiered system of supports, including response to intervention (RTI) cycles, and strong Student Support and Special Education teams.
- Providing intervention programs and supports that start as early as possible in the school year to help bring students to their highest academic potential.
- Continued focus on building a strong community that prioritizes the physical, mental, and social well-being of staff, students, and families.
- Offering a holistic approach that ensures children receive high-quality, nutritious meals throughout the day and prioritizing programming that engages the whole child through specials like art, movement, music, gardening, technology, and dance.
Please join us in congratulating all of the 3-5 teachers - English, Spanish, SPED, language and small group - who taught this group of students. Olé to our instructional leaders Sra. Katia Santana, Ms. Giselle Allen, and Ms. Amy May for their leadership in 3-5. And finally a big Olé to former 3-5 Principal Ms. Rohini Ramnath for setting the vision behind the 3-5 programming. What a great legacy to leave behind!
To further understand PARCC Assessment results, you can contact our Data and Compliance Manager Felix Pitty by email at
Together We LEAD!