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Nicole Dillard is a practicing attorney whose practice focuses primarily on labor and employment law as well as business immigration and corporate visa matters through her law practice, Dillard Legal Consultants, LLC. Nicole represents corporate clients in trial, appellate area courts, and administrative law forums for employment matters and in alternative dispute resolution proceedings as well as representing clients in federal administrative forums on immigration matters.

Nicole  is also an Assistant Professor at Howard University, the Cathy Hughes School of Communications where she teaches in the Department of Communications Studies in a Legal Communications sequence.

Nicole earned her Juris Doctor (JD) from Catholic University, Columbus School of Law. She has also earned her Master's of Education in Bilingual Education from Boston University and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a Spanish minor from the University of Virginia.

Prior to becoming an attorney, Nicole was an English as a Second Language teacher for Fairfax County Public Schools in Northern Virginia. Nicole lives in Washington DC with her daughter, Lena and dog, Winnie.