We are excited to share that EmpowerK12 has named DC Bilingual a Bold Improvement School for our strong policies and practices to help DC’s most at-risk students achieve outstanding academic growth. In its report “Lessons for All from DC’s Bold Improvement Schools,” EmpowerK12 recognized 10 DC public and public charter schools for their commitment to high expectations, bold school leaders, emphasis on outstanding instruction, prioritization of the whole child and families, and a desire for additional autonomy and resources. DC Bilingual represented one of only five charter schools selected for the award, and received accolades for our commitment to teacher professional development and support, and in turn, strong instructional culture.
“It is always encouraging to see we are fulfilling our school’s mission to ensure high academic achievement for all students, and in two languages. This is a testament to the strong dedication and commitment of our staff, families, students, board of directors, and school partners,” said Daniela Anello, DC Bilingual Head of School. “Let’s keep doing what we know works, and continue to push ourselves to make an even greater impact in the coming years.”
EmpowerK12, a school support organization, has served the DC educational community since 2013. Clients include charter schools and local educational nonprofits. EmpowerK12 specializes in data analytics, building school data infrastructure, and supporting the improvement of organizational data capacity and usage to drive improvement.