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A senior associate in WittKieffer’s Education Practice, Maya Holt-Brockenbrough, Ph.D., brings to her role a wealth of higher education administrative experience in the areas of advancement, development and corporate relations, and research development.

Maya is a relationship-builder, striving to make connections and forge partnerships between like-minded and mission-driven organizations. She is known for her ability to communicate and engage with clients to deeply understand their cultures and leadership needs. She has leveraged her career experiences to build an expansive network of leaders across academia.

Most recently, Maya was senior director for corporate and foundation relations in the Chautauqua Institution’s Office of Advancement. In this role, she created and implemented the organization’s strategy for corporate and foundation giving. She held similar roles previously at the Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies, and the Howard University Office of Development & Alumni Relations, helping those organizations build and enhance donor relationships with leading companies and foundations.

Earlier in her career, Maya was director of Howard University’s Office of Research and Development, overseeing a $60 million research portfolio, and deputy director of Howard’s Women’s Health Institute. She also held healthcare-focused consulting roles for Huron Consulting Group and The Advisory Board.Maya completed her doctoral degree in Organizational Leadership from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology; her dissertation was entitled “The Effects of Organizational Culture and Leadership Styles on Women Presidents: A Quantitative Study of Gendered Leadership in Higher Education”.

In her personal time, Maya takes pleasure in giving back to her community. She serves on the board of the D.C. Bilingual Public Charter School and previously held various roles with the Junior League of Washington.